Uses of Class

Packages that use Point3d

Uses of Point3d in javax.vecmath

Methods in javax.vecmath with parameters of type Point3d
 double Point3d.distance(Point3d p1)
          Returns the distance between this point and point p1.
 double Point3d.distanceL1(Point3d p1)
          Computes the L-1 (Manhattan) distance between this point and point p1.
 double Point3d.distanceLinf(Point3d p1)
          Computes the L-infinite distance between this point and point p1.
 double Point3d.distanceSquared(Point3d p1)
          Returns the square of the distance between this point and point p1.
 void Matrix4d.transform(Point3d point)
          Transforms the point parameter with this Matrix4d and places the result back into point.
 void Matrix4d.transform(Point3d point, Point3d pointOut)
          Transforms the point parameter with this Matrix4d and places the result into pointOut.

Constructors in javax.vecmath with parameters of type Point3d
Point3d(Point3d p1)
          Constructs and initializes a Point3d from the specified Point3d.
Point3f(Point3d p1)
          Constructs and initializes a Point3f from the specified Point3d.